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If you are a homeowner and your name is on the deed, you are authorized to hire PTRG. Also, executors of the estate or someone with power of attorney can authorize PTRG to file. PTRG can also assist you if you are in contract to buy a home.

Nassau County’s grievance filing period is from January 2 to March 1, 2024. If you miss this deadline, you must wait until next year to file your tax grievance.

The tax grievance process can take up to a year. However, regardless of when your case is decided, the reduction will be retroactive to the beginning of the tax year for which you filed.

YES. By filing a tax grievance again, you can ensure that you minimize your taxes each year.

YES. Because the market value of your home may have gone down and if so, you may be entitled to a tax reduction again.

YES. You must sign a new contract with PTRG for each year to file a grievance for you. We will ensure that your assessed value is at its lowest each year and if necessary, we file an assessment appeal for further reductions.

You can still apply for a tax grievance. Any savings from tax reduction will be in addition to any exemptions you already have. Your existing exemptions including STAR will not be affected by filing a tax grievance.

YES. You must pay your taxes when due; delayed payment of taxes will incur interest and penalties. If your appeal is successful and reduction is granted, you will receive a refund based on the reduced value approved in the appeal.

NO. Nassau County cannot raise your assessment simply because you file a tax grievance.

NO. You sign an agreement with PTRG to be your exclusive representative to file your tax grievance. If you hire more than one company for the same tax year, it will at least delay your application and possibly result in a denial. If a reduction is granted, you may be liable to pay each company you signed up with.


Tax Grievance Filing Period
January 2 to March 1, 2024

Varinder K. Bhalla

Former Commissioner
Nassau County ARC

No Tax Reduction... NO FEE

Want to reduce property taxes? Then please provide following details

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